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    ফ্রিল্যান্সিং / আউটসোর্সিং / স্কিল ডেভেলপমেন্টের সব কোর্স। ২০ টি ফুল কোর্সের রেকর্ডিং ভিডিও মাত্র : ৪৯৯৳


    # কোর্সগুলো আপনার Google Drive এ লাইফ টাইম এর জন্য শেয়ার করে দিব। আপনি আপনার সুবিধা মত দেখতে ও চাইলে ডাউনলোডও করতে পারবেন।

    # প্রতিটি পর্ব শেষে বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের উত্তর।

    # প্রতিটি কোর্স ধারাবাহিক পর্ব আকারে সাজানো।

    # সবগুলো কোর্স এর সম্পূর্ণ পর্ব রয়েছে।

    # কিভাবে ইনকাম করবেন সম্পূর্ণ ভিডিও তে দেয়া আছে!

    # কোর্সের ভিডিওগুলো আমাদের স্বনামধন্য শিক্ষক / ফ্রিলান্সারদের লাইভ ক্লাসের ভিডিও।


    # এর সাথে আমাদের ক্লাসের শিক্ষার্থীদের প্রশ্নোত্তর পর্বও রয়েছে এবং প্রতিটি বিষয় পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খভাবে দেখানো হয়েছে, ফলে আপনি পুর্নাঙ্গভাবে শিখতে সক্ষম হবেন।


    কোর্সগুলো নেওয়ার জন্য আপনার

    নাম :

    মোবাইল নম্বর :

    জিমেইল এড্রেস:

    টি ম্যাসেন্জারে পাঠান



    ফ্রিল্যান্সিং ও আউটসোর্সিং

    গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন ও ফটোশপ

    এন্ড্রয়েড এ্যাপ ডেভেলপমেন্ট

    এন্ড্রয়েড গেইম ডেভেলপমেন্ট

    থ্রি-ডি ম্যাক্স এন্ড ভি.এফ.এক্স

    অটো ক্যাড টু-ডি এন্ড থ্রি-ডি

    সিপিএ মার্কেটিং এ

    এথিকাল হ্যাকিং (সাইবার সিকিউরিটি)

    ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং

    ইউটিউব ও ফেইসবুক মার্কেটিং

    ওয়েভ ডিজাইন ও ডেভলপমেন্ট

    ওয়ার্ড প্রেস ডেভেলপমেন্ট

    লারাভেল (পিএইচপি ফ্রেম ওয়ার্ক)

    এ.এস.পি. ডট নেট

    জাভা (অবজেক্ট অরিএন্টেড)

    এস.ই.ও এন্ড আউটসোর্সিং


    কোর্স গুলো সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানতে

    ম্যাসেন্জারে যোগাযোগ করুন।


    আপনার সুবিধা অনুযায়ী দিনে/রাতের যে কোন সময়ে ক্লাশ করতে পারবেন। (যেহেতু এটা অনলাইন ক্লাশ তাই সবসময় ওপেন)


    বিদেশী কোম্পানীগুলো এখন পুরোপুরি অনলাইন নির্ভর তাই ফ্রিল্যান্সিং কাজ ও ইনকাম বেড়ে গেছে ৩ গুণ । করোনাত্তোর পৃথিবী হবে সম্পূর্ণ নতুন এক পৃথিবী । চাকরী হারাবে কোটি মানুষ কিন্তু বেড়ে যাবে ফ্রিল্যান্সিং জব, বেড়ে যাবে অনলাইন নির্ভরতা । বর্তমান সময় সুনিশ্চিত ও স্বনির্ভর ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে ফ্রিল্যান্সিং হতে পারে সেরা মাধ্যম।

    ঘরে বসেই তো আছেন, একবার চেষ্টা করেই দেখুন।



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    সুন্দরবনের খাঁটি মধু


    বর্তমানে আমরা বাজার থেকে যে মধু কিনে আনি তা যে কতটুকু খাঁটি তা বলা মুশকিল। মধুর মধ্যে সাধারণত ভেজাল হিসেবে পানি, চিনি ও আরও অনেক কিছু মেশানো হয়। চলুন আমরা জেনে খাঁটি মধু চেনার কিছু উপায়,

    ফ্রিজিং পরীক্ষাঃ মধুকে ফ্র্রিজের মধ্যে রেখে দিন। খাঁটি মধু জমবে না। ভেজাল মধু পুরাপুরি না জমলেও জমাট তলানী পড়বে।

    পিঁপড়া পরীক্ষাঃ এক টুকরা কাগজের মধ্যে কয়েক ফোঁটা মধু নিন। তারপর যেখানে পিঁপড়া আছে সেখানে রেখে দিন। পিঁপড়া যদি মধুর ধারে কাছে না ঘেসে তবে তা খাঁটি মধু। আর পিঁপড়া যদি তা পছন্দ করে তবে মধুতে ভেজাল আছে।

    চক্ষু পরীক্ষাঃ খুব অল্প পরিমাণ মধু চোখের ভেতরে দিন। যদি মধু খাঁটি হয় তবে প্রথমে চোখ জ্বালাপোড়া করবে ও চোখ থেকে পানি বের হবে এবং খানিক পরে চোখে ঠান্ডা অনুভূতি হবে (এই পরীক্ষায় অনুৎসাহিত করছি।

    দ্রাব্যতা পরীক্ষাঃ এক গ্লাস পানি নিয়ে এর মধ্যে এক টেবিল চামচ পরিমাণ মধু নিন। খুব ধীরে ধীরে গ্লাসটি শেক করুন। যদি মধু পানিতে পুরাপুরি দ্রবীভূত হয়ে যায় তবে তা ভেজাল মধু। আর মধু যদি পানিতে ছোট ছোট পিন্ডের আকারে থাকে তবে তা খাঁটি মধু।

    মেথিলেটেড স্পিরিট পরীক্ষাঃ সমান অনুপাতে মধু এবং মেথিলেটেড স্পিরিট মিশ্রিত করে নাড়াতে থাকুন। খাঁটি মধু দ্রবীভুত না হয়ে তলনীতে জমা হবে। আর ভেজাল মধু দ্রবীভূত হয়ে মেথিলেটেড স্পিরিটকে মিল্কি করবে।

    শিখা পরীক্ষাঃ একটি কটন উয়িক নিয়ে উহার এক প্রান্তকে মধুর মধ্যে ডুবিয়ে নেই। তারপর উঠিয়ে হালকা শেক করে নিই। একটি মোমবাতি জ্বালিয়ে বা লাইটার জ্বলিয়ে তা আগুনের শিখায় ধরি। যদি তা জ্বলতে থাকে তবে মধু খাঁটি আর যদি না জ্বলে তবে মধুতে পানি মেশানো আছে। যদি মধুতে অল্প পরিমাণ পানি মেশানো থাকে তবে কটন উয়িক জ্বলতে থাকবে কিন্তু ক্র্যাকলিং সাউন্ড শোনা যাবে।

    শোষণ পরীক্ষাঃ কয়েক ফোঁটা মধু একটি ব্লটিং পেপারে নিন ও পর্যবেক্ষণ করুন। খাঁটি মধু ব্লটিং পেপার কর্তৃক শোষিত হবে না। ভেজাল মধু ব্লটিং পেপারকে আর্দ্র করবে।

    কলংক পরীক্ষাঃ একটুকরা সাদা কাপড়ের উপর সামান্য পরিমাণ মধু নিন এবং কিছুক্ষন পর কাপড়টি ধৌত করুন। ধোয়ার পর কাপড়টিতে যদি কোন দাগ থাকে তবে মধুতে ভেজাল আছে। আর যদি কোন দাগ না থাকে তবে মধু খাঁটি।

    হানি কম্ব পরীক্ষাঃ একটি কাঁচের বা সাদা রংয়ের বোলের মধ্যখানে দেড় থেকে দুই চা চামচ (প্লস্টিকের তৈরি) মধু নেই। তারপর বোলের চারদিক দিয়ে ধীরে ধীরে ঠান্ডা পানি ঢালতে থাকি । যখন পানি মধুকে ঢেকে ফেলবে তখন পানি ঢালা বন্ধ করি। তারপর বোলটিকে তুলে ধরে ঘড়ির কাঁটার বিপরীত দিকে দুই মিনিট ধরে ঘুরাতে থাকি। খাঁটি মধু এই মুভমেন্টের পরেও পানিতে দ্রবীভূত হবে না এবং হেক্সাগোনাল আকৃতি ধারণ করবে যা দেখতে প্রায় হানি কম্ব এর মত।

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    About Me


    এ্যাবাউট মি ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস থিম। এই থিমটি দিয়ে আপনারা পার্সোনাল, বায়োডাটা, পোর্টপোলিও ওয়েবসাইট তৈরী করতে পারবেন।

    থিমের বৈশিষ্ট্য :
    ১, আমাদের এই থিমে কোনও প্লাগিন ব্যাবহার করতে হবে না। প্লাগিন ইনস্টল ছাড়াই সাইট তৈরী হবে। (তবে আপনারা চাইলে প্লাগিন ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন)
    ২, থিমের প্রত্যেকটা সেকশন নিচে এবং উপড়ে তুলতে পারবেন। প্রয়োজনে শো এবং হাইড করতে পারবেন।
    ৩, কোন কোডিং জ্ঞান ছাড়াই সম্পূর্ণ সাইট তৈরী করতে পারবেন। সাইট তৈরীর জন্য আমাদের বাংলা ভিডিও টিউটোরিয়াল রয়েছে।
    ৪, থিমের বিভিন্ন কালার পরিবর্তন পারবেন খুব সহজেই।

    কেন আমাদের থিম কিনবেন?
    ১, আমরা কোন ফ্রি থিম কাস্টমাইজ করে থিম বানাই না অথবা কোন থিম কিনে এনে সেটা বিক্রি করি না। আমাদের থিমগুলো এ থেকে জেড পর্যন্ত আমাদের তৈরী। আমাদের থিমের এডমিন প্যানেল সবার থেকে আলাদা। যা খুব সহজেই ব্যাবহার করা যায়।
    ২, আমাদের থিমে প্লাগিন ব্যবহার করার প্রয়োজন হয় না। তাই সাইট অনেক ফাস্ট থাকে।
    ৩, আমাদের প্রত্যেকটা থিমের সেটআপ ভিডিও রয়েছে যা দেখে দেখে সাইট তৈরী করতে পারবেন।
    ৪, বিভিন্ন পেমেন্ট পদ্ধতিতে আমাদের পেমেন্ট করতে পারবেন। আমরা মোবাইল ব্যাংকিং যথাক্রমে :- বিকাশ, রকেট, এম ক্যাশ, নগদ এবং মাই ক্যাশ। অনলাইন ব্যাংকিং যথাক্রমে :- ভিসা কার্ড, মাস্টার কার্ড, ক্রেডিট কার্ড, আমেরিকান এক্সপ্রেস, ব্র্যাক ব্যাংক, ডিবিবিএল নেক্সাস, সিটি ব্যাংক, এশিয়া ব্যাংক, ইসলামী ব্যাংক, এবি ব্যাংক। এছাড়াও ব্র্যাক ব্যাংক এবং ইসলামী ব্যাংকে চেকের মাধ্যমে পরিশোধ করতে পারবেন।
    ৫, থিম সেটআপে কোন প্রবলেম হলে টিকেট, ই-মেইল, চ্যাট এবং ফেসবুক ম্যাসেজের মাধ্যমে প্রবলেম আমাদের জানাতে পারবেন আমরা তাৎক্ষনিক সমাধান দেয়ার চেষ্টা করবো। খুব জরুরী সমাধানের জন্য আমাদের মোবাইলও করতে পারবেন।
    ৬, থিম ছাড়াও আপনি চাইলে সম্পূর্ণ সার্ভিসটি আমাদের থেকে নিতে পারবেন। যেমন ডোমেইন রেজিষ্ট্রেশন এবং ওয়েব হোস্টিং। এক জায়গা থেকেই আপনি সব সার্ভিস পাবেন।

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    Restaurant Theme


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    Hosting03: PREMIUM


    • 3GB Web Space
    • FREE Site Building Tools
    • 1 Domain Registar
    • 24/7/365 Support
    • Full cPanel Features
    • 60 GB Bandwidth per month
    • 15 mysql Databases
    • 25 E-mail Accounts
    • 10 Sub Domains
    • FREE Marketing & SEO Tools
    • 99.9% Service Uptime
    • Daily Remote Backup
    • Softaculous Script Installe
    • 24/7/365 Support
    • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
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    Travels Agency


    Travels Agency Premium WordPress Theme. This theme will be created with the help of Travel agencies, Haj Agency and various organizations.

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    NGO Theme


    NGO Premium WordPress Theme. This theme can be used to create sites of NGOs, companies, corporate and various organizations including organizations.

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    Corporate Theme


    Corporate Premium WordPress Theme

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    JobSite is Popular wordpress Theme in Bangladesh

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    Hosting Site


    Hosting Site WordPress theme is a professional web hosting company WordPress theme that’s easy to customize just 1-Click.

    Hosting Site WordPress  Theme a Responsive wordpress theme for Desktop, Tablet, Mobile Phone devices & WHMCS Hosting Theme. With the design has been created by Elite Authors, Awesome Slideshows, Color Variations. Easy-to-customize and fully featured design. This theme suitable for Web Hosting, Hosting,  Portfolio. Create Outstanding Website in Minutes!.

    Designed by Themes Bazar for creating professional looking websites that your potential clients will trust with their payment details and web hosting needs, DomainHost wordpress theme is well worth checking out. If you do take a look at the DomainHost theme demo, you’ll quickly see that the design of this theme has all the features a high-converting web hosting website needs. As well as the domain name search bar that lets your visitors check to see which domains are available and with what extensions, there’s also a feature grid and comparison table. The content of the table can be easily customized and is ideal for allowing your visitors to quickly check out your main packages.

    The rest of the default homepage design is packed with other useful features. However, as customizing this theme is very straightforward, these homepage features are all optional and you’re free to add your own custom content to the homepage layout. In fact, this theme no require as the premium Visual Composer page builder plugin is included in the DomainHost package you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to adding new elements to your pages. You can also use the drag-and-drop interface of this tool to redesign any of the other templates in the DomainHost package, as well as create your own custom designs from scratch.

    When it comes to web hosting-specific features, DomainHost isn’t short on options. The WHMCS support ensures your website has all the essential features a good web hosting site needs, including the ability for your customers to manage their accounts through your site. There are also lots of great looking templates for publishing your online documentation – an essential element of any good web hosting website.

    If you want to quickly launch a professional web hosting website with WordPress, the DomainHost theme should provide you with everything that’s needed.

    Hosting Site WP Theme Features

    • Responsive Design
    • Search Whois
    • Domain Check Own Site
    • Domain Check With Resell biz Account
    • Domain Check With Whmcs
    • Very easy to customizable.
    • Include theme options.
    • Location Maps included.
    • Support anytime WordPress Version
    • Dynamic Slider
    • Font-Awesome
    • Custom Backgrounds
    • Unlimited Colors
    • Dedicated Support
    • Custom Elements
    • Image Hovers
    • Carousel Sliders
    • lists Styles
    • Message Boxes
    • Pricing Tables
    • Typography
    • Data Tables
    • Social Icons
    • Team member
    • Latest Posts
    • Widgets
    • Standard/About Page
    • Support
    • Services
    • Team
    • 404 Error Page
    • Single Image
    • Blog Standard
    • Blog Single Post
    • Contact
    • Domain Order By Form
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    Educational institutes WordPress Theme design by Sundarban IT This  is one of the best education Institute website wordpress theme in Bangladesh. This themes Like School, College, madarsa an other Institute, that is suitable for schools and colleges best one. This education WordPress theme as multiple header styles options and easy to use customization as per your needs. Install the theme with just one click.

    Educational institutes WordPress Theme is a clean & modern Education & LMS WordPress Theme. It’s also suitable for any university, workshop, college, school, kindergarten, course hub, training center or any kind of educational institution.

    Educational institutes WordPress Theme is an SEO optimized theme. Moreover, it is an elegantly responsive theme, so that your website looks great on any device it is viewed on. This WordPress theme comes with unlimited color options and more than 600+ Google fonts.

    To let you make pages of your desire, you can use drag and drop page builder. The theme comes with a mega menu support so that you can display all the options of your site. It has a sticky navigation option with 3 header options.

    For beautiful image gallery, the theme has gallery item masks. It also allows you to choose from the available skin patterns. The theme has options to change the colors and fonts of the theme to customize it according to your needs. It also has A homepage layouts to choose from.  To make the content interesting, you can use the font awesome & Gov. Logo

    Educational institutes WordPress Theme installation is very easy and it is the time-consuming theme. It has awesome UI design. It is supported updated WordPress version.

    Available Features :

    1. 100% Responsive Theme.
    2. Fully Dynamic
    3. Beautiful design.
    4. Created with HTML, CSS3, jQuery.
    5. Very fast page loading time.
    6. Dynamic Slideshow.
    7. Very easy to customizable.
    8. Include theme options.
    9. Location Maps included.
    10. Support anytime WordPress Version
    11. Powerful Theme Options
    12. Google Fonts
    13. Responsive Layout
    14. Using Customizer anyone can change options
    15. Child Theme Included
    16. SEO Friendly
    17. One Click Demo Installer Included
    18. Unlimited color Option
    19. Instructors Profile
    20. Courses page and many more
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    E-commerce Theme


    E-commerce premium wordpress theme. With this theme you can enable online marketing sites.


    Last update:
    11 March 2017
    11 March 2017
    Software Version :
    WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x, WordPress 4.8.x, WordPress 4.7.x, WordPress 4.6.1, WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.5.x, WordPress 4.5.2, WordPress 4.5.1, WordPress 4.5
    File Included :
    PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
    Documentation :
    Well Documented
    Tag :
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  • Hosting04- DEDICATED


    • 5GB Web Space
    • FREE Site Building Tools
    • 1 Domain Registar
    • 24/7/365 Support
    • Full cPanel Features
    • 100 GB Bandwidth per month
    • 25 mysql Databases
    • 50 E-mail Accounts
    • 15 Sub Domains
    • FREE Marketing & SEO Tools
    • 99.9% Service Uptime
    • Daily Remote Backup
    • Softaculous Script Installe
    • 24/7/365 Support
    • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
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    Online Tv


    Online TV Premium WordPress Theme a trendy and clean, visually versatile and pliable, remarkably customizable, diagrammatically professionally designed and extremely developer friendly, elegant and complex, absolutely responsive video web log WordPress theme nice for video Blog and Video magazine. our Online TV Premium WordPress Theme is extremely in style once it involves video blogging and different video web site with WordPress. Online TV Premium WordPress Theme may be a nice resolution for webmasters and video bloggers, capable and competent platform whereby they will show a spread of multifariously sourced video content during a myriad totally different designs and configurations. This theme additionally has the flexibility to mechanically find and make video thumbnails and publish them on your website, with no additional effort needed on your half. Online TV Premium WordPress Theme integrated a Video businessperson plugin, a extremely handy plugin for mercantilism videos from YouTube and Vimeo, thus you’ll mechanically transfer your videos and playlists from YouTube, Vimeo to your web site only 1 click. Video tutorials, video lessons or reports has ne’er been straightforward|this straightforward} or easy before, and with such skilled results combined with capable flexibility, with over two hundred post layout combos gift your videos and articles any method you would like to with versatile and easy-to-use module system. to assist your guests get the foremost from your website and its content, Online TV Premium WordPress Theme offers them the flexibility to save lots of videos for playback at a later date, watch the videos in full-screen cinema mode, and far additional.

    Online TV Premium WordPress Theme has been completely developed with eCommerce at its core. Your new web site will add a totally functioning look with the advanced options offered by the WooCommerce WordPress plugin. Online TV Premium WordPress Theme trendy show in addition as superb unlimited sidebars, four page number varieties, Highlighted video widgets, loads of social media integration options and even absolutely useful forums via bbPress Plugin. strive Online TV Premium WordPress Theme today!

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    Online Channel


    Online Channel WordPress theme may be a preferred Magazine’s video publisher WordPress theme on Sundarban IT.   With Online Channel WordPress themes the witter a writing that features pictures or video has ne’er been easier. This theme offers you the facility to broadcast your videos within the most spectacular and fascinating approach. If you wish to create a Video News web site,Online Channel WordPress themes is that the right alternative for you.Online Channel WordPress themes may be a versatile theme, rigorously created with ample options and raw strength that allow it to simply meet the stress of an entire host of various web site functions. Online Channel WordPress themes comes with 20+ video post designs, an infatuated video block and 2 custom designed video playlists, with the auto play perform, compatibility with services like YouTube, DailyMotion, Vine, Vimeo, Twitch, this theme permits you to make video posts and show them any wherever on the web site.

    Online Channel WordPress themes is additionally optimized to figure with WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin. On Google Structured knowledge Testing Tools we have a tendency to received a inexperienced light-weight on all parameters, this mean that SEO may be a matter addressed within the most serious manner by themesbazar team. Online Channel WordPress themes theme includes variety of helpful widgets, by adding the weather, currency exchange, standard posts, or vary of social media widgets to your web site, you’ll be able to offer helpful info to your guests, whereas conjointly creating it straightforward for them to search out a lot of of your content. mix the last word storytelling technique, with prime quality code, superb style, performance & stability and build the foremost immersive expertise for your guests.

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    Effective News


    Effective News WordPress Theme  a responsive, and bright WordPress theme for making a full of life web site in 2019. The theme is intended for presenting your blogs in a beautiful manner.

    The theme has five predefined designs for diary. this implies that you just will gift your content mistreatment 5 distinct ways that. Effective News WordPress Theme has custom widgets which will add options necessary to your diary. For example: There’s a modern post convenience which will show the most recent post to the guests. this fashion the guests are going to be attentive to the most recent posts on your blog-site.

    For making forms, Contact type seven is compatible with the theme. The theme encompasses a full dimension page example to show content while not sidebars. you’ll opt for the fonts and colours for the web site mistreatment the simple admin choices. The social media sharing of the blogs is feasible through the social icons within the header. this can enable the visitant to share your post on their social media accounts.

    If you would like to form an internet site during a language apart from English, that too is feasible. Effective News WordPress Theme comes with localization files to translate the theme in desired language.

    A word concerning speed:
    We spent a substantial quantity of your time tweaking each side of the theme to perform at its best possible.

    All the queries square measure hand inspected to be optimum, all the pictures and resources square measure fastidiously compressed to form the positioning load blazing quick. All the theme’s scripts square measure profiled and changed to run at prime speed.

    Run a PageSpeed take a look at on our demo

    The full list of features:
    Homepage – we have lots of homepages within the main menu of the demo
    Search – distinctive SEO optimized search example
    Blog index
    Author – Post count, comments count and author convenience
    Category – Breadcrumbs, subcategories, and class description.
    Tag – simple tagcloud navigation via convenience
    404 example – With latest posts
    Other features:

    All the blocks – Please choose your block from the highest. you’ll be able to combine and match those you wish. All of the content blocks support Ajax paging and subcategories (including slides)
    Live search with Ajax and up&down keys
    One-click demo install – No additional .XML files, with only one click you’ve got the demo information put in
    Powered by Visual musician – the foremost fashionable drag and drop page builder
    Custom automobile scaling content blocks – A block changes its structure to figure dead (in sidebar, full width, or pages with sidebar)
    Responsive Google AdSense support via our custom admin panel – The scripts hundreds a special Google AdSense spot for every screen size. Once it’s loaded, it doesn’t modify it so as to be 100% compliant with Google AdSense TOS.
    Responsive ads support – for ad networks that enable multiple ad spots on constant div or if you wish to indicate your own ads on totally different devices. this selection can modification the ad spot on the fly, as an example once a pill is modified from landscape to portrait. (The header banner from the demo web site is victimisation this system)
    Inline Google AdSense or different ads once a predefined range of paragraphs
    Auto YouTube, DailyMotion, and Vimeo thumb transferer – simply paste a YouTube universal resource locator and therefore the web site can download the biggest image obtainable from the clip mechanically, and it’ll set it as a featured image. It’s terribly simple to feature videos to articles.
    Built in Review System (stars, percents, points)
    SEO: Schema with wealthy snip microdata for articles and reviews
    Built in Translation support from our admin panel. No more .po and .mo files, you only get a kind with all the strings from the theme and therefore the corresponding translations. we have a tendency to hate po mo files ?
    Multi Language web site support via the free qTranslate plugin. All from wp-admin.
    All the world settings square measure obtainable within the WordPress theme customizer with live preview
    Gif animation support – this is often a beta feature.
    Google fonts – modification the fonts simple from the admin panel
    Sticky navigation menu – with choice to alter, disable or alter solely on huge screens (not on phones)
    Each class has:
    6 class templates designs
    7 class high posts designs – every with seven distinctive grid designs
    15 custom module vogue (loop style)
    Custom colours
    Custom background image
    Custom sidebar + position (left, full, right)
    Unlimited sidebars – every post, page, and class will have its own sidebar. Also, the author, search, tag, web log index templates, all have custom sidebars
    Built in connected posts supported tags, author or class
    Easy Google Analytics support (just paste the code in our admin)
    10 footer layouts
    Custom page builder elements:
    Big Grid slide
    7 huge Grids
    16 Blocks
    Social Counter with ten distinctive designs
    Instagram convenience
    Weather convenience
    Exchange convenience
    News ticker
    Video list
    Text with title
    Ad box
    Homepage post
    Popular class
    IOS Slider
    Custom widgets
    Popular class convenience – show most well liked class
    Author box convenience – show authors sorted by range of posts, or by name
    Social Counter convenience – shows numbers of likes, followers or subscribers
    Ad box – enable you to pick an advertisement zone (you outline the responsive ad zones in our panel)
    16 Blocks
    Instagram convenience
    Weather convenience
    Exchange convenience

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    Professional News WordPress Theme for bangla news portal website theme. Its may be a good responsive magazine  WordPress theme. appropriate for bangla news, newspaper, magazine, publishing, business and any reasonably sites. Most of the previous magazine sites are therefore compact with news and footage that the sites appearance terrible. whereas creating this theme, our main focus was to indicate the maximum amount news because the web site owner needs nonetheless creating the theme clean, well-spaced and exquisite. Professional News WordPress Theme makes stunning use of classes and support completely different designs widgets to indicate the posts of classes fantastically. completely different color for various classes happens to be the center of this theme therefore with this feature you’ll be able to represent different classes with colors of your selection. provides it a strive you may actually realize it attention-grabbing.

    To get a lot of acquainted on exploitation the theme you’ll be able to read the theme instruction here. like our all themes, support for theme is totally free. Have any confusion with the theme, simply place your queries here.

    Full Theme Features:

    Integrated Pagebuilder: Build homepage content by select, drag & drop modules into sections. Very flexible easy to use.

    Mega Menu: Displays posts in a category menu item beautifully with the Mega Menu option.

    WordPress Load Posts: Load the next posts without reloading the whole page. Keep your readers read more and more!

    WordPress Login: Keep your reader login without redirect to the wordpress login page

    Sticky Sidebar: Can be setup for every page

    Fully Responsive: The theme displays great on all screen size. Also has an option to hide sidebar when in responsive layout.

    Sundarban IT Live Support 24 hour

    SEO Optimized: Rich snippet for post and reviews, also support Google Authorship.

    Multiple Blog Layouts: Choose between 10 layouts for your blog: Masonry with Sidebar, Masonry full width (no Sidebar), Classic Blog, Large Blog, Square Grid with Sidebar, Square Grid Full width You can also choose layout for each WordPress default templates: Category, Tag, Author, Index and Search.

    Integrated Review System: Easy to add review to a post with summary (can include Pros and Cons list).

    Google Web Fonts: Support Google Web Fonts.

    Custom Color: Choose any color scheme you want for your site.

    Powerful Theme Options: Powerful yet easy to use Theme Options.

    Translation Ready: The theme comes with .po and .mo file so you can translate it into any language you want.

    Post Format: Support WordPress default formats: standard, video, gallery, image.

    Optional Video Thumbnail: Use video iframe or standard featured image for video post.

    Customizable Header: You can set background for site header. Also has an option to fixed header menu.

    Customizable Sidebar: Unlimited sidebar with the intergrated Custom Sidebar Generator. You can choose a specific sidebar for each WordPress default templates:Category, Tag, Author, Index, Single and Search. You can also choose between 2 locations for sidebar (left or right).

    Customizable Category: You can choose a specific layout for each category page

    Logo And Favicon Upload: You can upload your own Logo and Favicon for your site.

    Boxed And Wide Layout: Choose your desired layout with just one click.

    Review System: Very flexible with 4 positions for review box. You can also enable user rating with one click

    Cross-browser Compatible: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9+.

    Built-in Related Posts.

    Built-in Social Sharing that supports counter for each Social element and total share counter.

    Compatible with Contact Form free plugin.

    We have well documented with a lot of images and tutorial videos

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    Tv Site


    TV Site Premium WordPress Theme is fashionable and tech-savvy, terribly clean and clear, inventive and fresh-faced, promptly responsive and tissue layer prepared WordPress video and moving-picture show web site theme. With TV Site Premium WordPress Theme you don’t would like any committal to writing expertise to induce polished, quality results. All you wish is to pick out your most well-liked demo from the choice given one click. TV Site Premium WordPress Theme is straightforward to put in and customize. This theme integrated with the powerful Visual musician Drag and Drop Page builder plugin, that permits you to make unlimited pages in a moment. it’s coded with clean HTML5 and CSS3 code and engineered supported the newest Bootstrap Framework, it’s compatible with WordPress 20+. TV Site Premium WordPress Theme is optimized for speed with careful attention to scrub and structured code. It helps improve speech rates. TV Site Premium WordPress Theme seamlessly handles all the trendy video sharing platforms and is compatible with more, among them YouTube, MP4, Vimeo, Daily-motion and lots of a lot of.

    TV Site Premium WordPress Theme has 20+ Pre created Homepages and 24+Pre created totally different Modules that go from skilled levels to non-public ones. you may get Unlimited colors choices for layouts style and totally different Header Layouts. you furthermore might get Associate in Nursing SEO and speed optimized tool fully updated. Intact is WPML compatible and has Google Fonts integration. Get TV Site Premium WordPress Theme now!

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    News Surma


    News Surma Premium News WordPress Theme is a responsive and membrane prepared WordPress news magazine theme for 2019.News Surma WordPress Theme contains inbuilt page builder mistreatment the drag and drop choices. The advanced admin panel of the theme has over two hundred choices for customizing the theme basically special bamgla news portal website.

    News Surma WordPress Theme supports multiple page posts to be displayed on your web site. It supports mega menu to show the classes on the homepage menu. The theme has several choices to pick the header, footer, sidebar, sliders, page layout or produce it. News Surma WordPress Theme is translation prepared and wpml compatible for the multi-language translation. News Surma WordPress Theme conjointly incorporates a social counter gadget to point out the social quality of the theme. The theme files have clean code and is well commented.

    News Surma WordPress Theme ensures you that you just will produce a superb web site in RTL mode. The inbuilt short codes, area unit helpful and intuitive. There area unit widgets, that can also be used for your purpose. The theme files area unit SEO optimized.

    Full Themes Features 

    Easy to customise
    Fully Responsive style
    Page example and Post fomats
    HTML5 Base example
    Custom widgets: This theme enclosed eight widgets: class Tabber, Instagram, Advertise Banner, Last posts with five styles, Post sliders (with three mode), Social network, Tags, Search. These widgets square measure enclosed such a large amount of choices.
    Customize primary color, classes color
    Custom archive, single post layout sidebar left or right, or full width
    Sticky navbar (optional)
    No Framework: we tend to don’t use the framework, they’re typically swollen with inessential options and have several security vulnerabilities.
    Responsive Contact Form: we tend to used Contact kind seven plugin for contact kind, it straightforward and friendly dashboard management.
    And much more.

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    The Daily


    The Daily news WordPress Theme is a WordPress news or magazine theme its spacial design for bangla news portal website.  The Daily WordPress Theme has around eleven Homepage variants to decide on from. Install the demo knowledge with one click and find started along with your web site.

    This theme incorporates a trendy look and clear presentation of the content. A magazine has to gift all the classes to the guests on the homepage itself. So, the theme comes with an mythical being mega menu with columns. The Daily WordPress Theme conjointly has some Ad areas to show advertising and earn revenue.

    For customizing the theme, the powerful admin panel has intuitive choices. you’ll be able to use offered widgets and shortcodes to point out content at numerous components of the web site. The theme incorporates a drag and drop page builder to allow you to management the content blocks. thus you’ll be able to construct a page along with your own imagination and creativeness.

    The theme style is responsive. The Daily WordPress Theme will perform well within the RTL mode too. Moreover, The Daily WordPress Theme is meant with SEO standards in mind.

    Full Theme Features:

    Homepage : We have a lot of homepages in the main menu of the demo Build homepage content by select, drag & drop modules into sections. Very flexible easy to use.

    Mega Menu: Displays posts in a category menu item beautifully with the Mega Menu option.

    Sticky Sidebar: Can be setup for every page

    • Author : post count, comments count and author widget
    • Fully Responsive: The theme displays great on all screen size. Also has an option to hide sidebar when in responsive layout.

    Support :  Sundarban IT Limited Live Support 24 hour

    One click demo install: NO MORE .XML files, with just one click you have the demo data installed

    Search : unique SEO optimized search template

    SEO Optimized: Rich snippet for post and reviews, also support Google Authorship.

    Multiple Blog Layouts: Choose between 10 layouts for your news

    Masonry with Sidebar, Masonry full width (no Sidebar), Classic Blog, Large Blog, Square Grid with Sidebar, Square Grid Full width You can also choose layout for each WordPress default templates: Category, Tag, Author, Index and Search. everything

    Integrated Review System: Easy to add review to a post with summary (can include Pros and Cons list) etc

    Google Web Fonts: Support Google Web Fonts.

    Custom Color: Choose any color scheme you want for your site.

    Powerful Theme Options: Powerful yet easy to use Theme Options.

    Translation : The theme comes with .po and .mo file so you can translate it into any language you want.

    Post Format: Support WordPress default formats: standard, video, gallery, image.

    Optional Video Thumbnail: Use video i frame or standard featured image for video post.

    Customizable Header: You can set background for site header. Also has an option to fixed header menu.

    Customizable Sidebar: Unlimited sidebar with the intergrated Custom Sidebar Generator. You can choose a specific sidebar for each WordPress default templates:Category, Tag, Author, Index, Single and Search. You can also choose between 2 locations for sidebar (left or right).

    Customizable Category: You can choose a specific layout for each category page

    Category : breadcrumbs, subcategories and category description.

    Logo And Favicon Upload: You can upload your own Logo and Favicon for your site.

    Boxed And Wide Layout: Choose your desired layout with just one click.

    Review System: Very flexible with 4 positions for review box. You can also enable user rating with one click

    Cross-browser Compatible: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9+.

    Auto YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo thumb downloader : just paste a YouTube url and the site will automatically download the largest image available from the clip and it will set it as a featured image. Very easy to add videos to articles.

    Responsive Ads: Place your Ads banner in almost anywhere with Ads modules and Widget Ads (header, between modules, sidebar, footer).

    Built-in Related Posts.

    Built-in Social Sharing that supports counter for each Social element and total share counter.

    Compatible with Contact Form some plugin.

    We have well documented with a lot of images and tutorial videos from Themes Bazar YouTube Channel.

    Important Features

    • Responsive design many media query breakpoints, that occupies the maximum available screen space in any device
    • Home page builder with unlimited blocks
    • Ten column layout
    • Blog Index
    • Breaking News on Header
    • Mega Menus – Ten types
    • Integrated Breadcrumps
    • Integrated Pagination
    • Integrated related posts
    • Easily upload logo
    • Image or color body background
    • Unlimited theme skin colors
    • Unlimited sidebars
    • Custom sidebars
    • Unlimited Review criteria and four types of rating and with rich snippets enabled
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    News Sun


    The News Sun Premium WordPress Theme For bangla News Portal website.Its responsive, and bright WordPress theme for making an energetic web site in 2019. The theme is meant for presenting your blogs in a gorgeous Looking.

    The theme has many predefined designs for web log. this suggests that you just will gift your content exploitation 5 distinct ways that. Rosemary has custom widgets that may add options necessary to your web log. For example: There’s a contemporary post convenience that may show the most recent post to the guests. this fashion the guests are going to be alert to the most recent posts on your blog-site.

    For making forms, Contact kind seven is compatible with the theme. The theme encompasses a full breadth page example to show content while not sidebars. you’ll select the fonts and colours for the web site exploitation the straightforward admin choices. The social media sharing of the blogs is feasible through the social icons within the header. this may permit the traveler to share your post on their social media accounts.

    If you would like to form a web site in a very language aside from English or Bangla , that too is feasible. News Sun Premium Theme comes with localization files to translate the theme in desired language.

    Full Theme Features:

    Homepage: we’ve got plenty of homepages within the main menu of the demo build homepage content by choose, drag & drop modules into sections. terribly versatile straightforward to use.

    Mega Menu: Displays posts during a class menu item fantastically with the Mega Menu possibility of every WordPress theme by  Sundarban IT Limited

    Sticky Sidebar: is setup for each page

    Author : post count, comments count and author gadget

    Fully Responsive: The theme displays nice on all screen size. additionally has associate choice to hide sidebar once in responsive layout.

    Support:  Sundarban IT Limited Live Support twenty four hour by telephone call & Email


    One click demo install : No a lot of .XML files, with only 1 click you have got the demo knowledge put in

    Search : distinctive SEO optimized search model

    SEO: Schema with made piece small knowledge for articles and reviews

    SEO Optimized: made piece for post and reviews, additionally support Google Authorship.

    Multiple journal Layouts: choose from 10+ layouts for your news

    Sidebar, Full dimension responsive Sidebar’ Classic journal, Large Blog, sq. Grid with Sidebar, sq. Grid Full dimension you’ll additionally opt for layout for every wordpress default templates class, Tag, Author, Index and Search. Everything

    Integrated Review System: straightforward to feature review to a post with outline will embody execs and Cons list etc.

    Google internet Fonts: Support Google internet Fonts.

    Custom Color: opt for any colour scheme you wish for your website.

    Powerful Theme choices: Powerful however straightforward to use Theme Options.

    Translation : The theme comes with .Bangla and .English file therefore you’ll translate it into any language you wish. you must setup different font simply.

    Post Format: Support WordPress default formats commonplace, video, gallery, image.

    Optional Video Thumbnail: Use video i frame or commonplace featured image for video post.

    Customizable Header: you’ll set background for website header. additionally has associate choice to mounted header menu.

    Customizable Sidebar: Unlimited sidebar with the integrated Custom Sidebar Generator. you’ll opt for a selected sidebar for every WordPress.

    Default templates: class, Tag, Author, Index, Single and Search. you’ll additionally choose from half dozen locations for sidebar left or right.

    Customizable Category: you’ll opt for a selected layout for every class page

    Category: breadcrumbs, subcategories and class description.

    Logo And Favicon Upload: you’ll transfer your own brand and Favicon for your website.

    Boxed And Wide Layout: opt for your required layout with only 1 click.

    Review System: terribly versatile with four positions for review box. you’ll additionally alter user rating with one click

    Cross-browser Compatible: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, web individual 9+.

    YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo: simply paste a YouTube uniform resource locator and also the website can mechanically addaded the video largest image out there from the clip and it’ll set it as a featured image. terribly straightforward to feature videos to articles.

    Responsive Ads: Place your Ads banner in virtually anyplace with Ads modules and gadget Ads header, between modules, sidebar, and footer.

    built-in connected posts:

    Built-in social sharing that supports counter for every Social component and total share counter.

    Compatible with Contact free morpheme WordPress plugging.

    We have well documented with plenty of pictures and tutorial videos.

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    Sun Flower


    SunFlower  Premium WordPress Themes is a responsive and membrane prepared news magazine WordPress theme which will even be used for blogging and news publishing website in Bangladesh .

    The homepage is set mistreatment the simple drag and drop choices. gamma hydrogenate magazine contains a distinctive feature to show the recent posts on the class page mistreatment a pretty slider this a part and parcel of a SunFlower Premium WordPress Themes. The SunFlower Premium WordPress hydrogenate magazine theme has a sophisticated admin electrical device to allow you to select from the choices and customize the theme. With this theme you’ll be able to opt for the color theme of the background.

    SEO optimized theme ensures that the web site have a positive impression on the search engines. SunFlower Premium WordPress theme  hydrogenate magazine theme is translation prepared and makes it attainable to make a web site in desired language. To show your news highlights a news ticker possibility is there within the theme .Sun Flower Premium WordPress has 2 navigation areas in order that you’ll be able to show all the vital links within the menus. Sun Flower Premium WordPress is additionally compatible with Woo Commerce. So, if you ever need your diary web site to sell some merchandise for you, it’s attainable too.

    Minimal style to concentrate on readability.

    SunFlower Premium WordPress Themes is a lowest personal diary theme for WordPress, everything was created terribly straightforward only for you.
    You have to focus solely on writing your content and this theme can offer the nice reading expertise for your diary followers.


    Amazing SEO results, it’ll boost your SEO.

    SunFlower theme has been well structured and has the foremost advanced and excellent HTML define to form a relationship between search engines and your web site.
    Everything is build according the foremost recent rules of Search Engines, therefore mistreatment this theme can boost your SEO results and can bring right readers to you.


    Many ways to point out your diary content.

    You have several choices to point out your diary posts, you’ll merely switch between diary designs (Default, Classic, List, Masonry) you select the most effective thanks to show your content.


    Everything is Super straightforward to setup.

    Not solely encompasses a straightforward style, however additionally everything {is simple|is straightforward|is straightforward} and extremely easy setup, you don?t want any skills to customise your diary, you simply ought to install the theme and you may get your diary prepared.

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    Developer’s Contributions

    Presenting the most exclusive and powerful E-Paper WordPress Theme

    This is our grate achievement to success by Developing this E-paper wordpress theme, because this theme is unique in the world this themes you don’t find any others market place Like Bangladesh and other. So our developers team 

    Our E-paper theme basically it’s used for Printed Newspaper or News paper Print Copy Prime News-Online News and Magazine in the marketplace Where You Want to Buy Like Theme Shop. With the complete package you have a wide range of possibilities to design any kind of online news, magazine and e-paper website design. The most powerful 1 single psd offers you various types of graphics and widgets to help you in your design and development. With just one single PSD you have the freedom to make your own pages without any hassle. The layout is design with PHP Program and with a highly professional process to make it easy to use and redesign. With the help of smart object and vector objects you can easily change the design according to your requirement. And also with the help of place hold you can easily identify the image container and can change your own image version. Colorized layer indicator helps you to identify the sections and the elements, so that you can easily change any design and elements according to your requirement. The widget section library gives you the freedom to choose the most valuable widgets according to your choice.

    exclusive powerful home page psd layouts. other psd layouts Well maintained colorized layers. 1200px bootstrap grid layout vector icon and objects used. 100% responsive design Graphics are included in the package Free font, icon and graphics used Widgets library section. when you install  your WordPress epaper website than you would find many more feature this themes theme are define below. 

           Themes Feature

    • Support 16 layouts for pages: 1, 2 or 3 columns
    • Support 3 Homepage layouts
    • Support Mega Menu and Css Menu
    • Support multi-currency, multi-language
    • Support Wide and Boxed layouts
    • Integrated Google Fonts
    • Responsive layout for PCs and Mobiles
    • Various color styles and typography by WordPress
    • Custom and contact page
    • Support Cloud Zoom and Pop-up images on the detail page
    • Social networks integration
    • Support more Preset Color Styles (default), Cyan, Green, Yellow, Purple and Pink
    • Cross-browser: IE 8+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+ and Chrome
    • W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid
    • 100% table-less design, based on CSS3 with many animated effects
    • Additional Footer, Back to top button and Navigation links
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    Live Tv


    Live TV Premium WordPress Theme is lovely and attention-grabbing premium WordPress theme for Official News,moving picture, Cinema Campaign Websites, Musicians Official Sites, moving picture Studios Official Sites, Music Album launch sites, Video commercial enterprise sites, Video Blog, Video Magazines, Public Video Library and alternative. This video WordPress theme permits you to introduce YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and self hosted videos in your website. This theme is absolutely integrated with Visual musician drag and drop page builder to assist you produce the page layout that you just wish during a trice. It additionally includes Revolution Slider, a premium WordPress plugin that allows you to feature unlimited slides with gorgeous animation via a easy interface. the eagerness has sweet trendy options like Video optical phenomenon sections or eighty custom parts. they will be combined in any manner you decide on to create unbelievable things come back to life. The theme works well with WPML, a prime quality WordPress plugin that’s used for content translation. Using it, individuals are going to be ready to scan and navigate your page with ease, no matter their country of origin. the eagerness includes the awe-inspiring wooCommerce plugin, leaving the creation of a reliable on-line store to sell your albums, tracks, films and merchandise.

    The Passion video WordPress theme additionally includes over ten header layouts to decide on from, over 3 Members Page designs, over five journal Post varieties, over 700 Google Fonts, and full social media integration. this contemporary and clean video theme comes with testimonial carousels, bit enabled slider, report subscription with Mail Pan troglodytes, Contact kind seven and SEO prepared.

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    News Fresh


    NewsFresh is an Advanced and brilliant Top class WordPress News Paper Theme For Bangla News Site. are you looking WordPress subject matter that permits you to easily write and put up Articles and Daily News posts. This template is one of the most famous Daily News Topics on Bangla News subject matters . It’s has strong points are Flexibility, overall performance, Fashionable Design, Retina ready Layouts, Precise Demos, Incorporated Translations, wise Ads System, and these kind of include no need for Coding skills. I trust this subject matter is incredible for a information, Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, Daily BD News publishing or Assessment WebSites.
    The NewsFresh  WordPress  theme has a unique layout and whilst Trying out IT You noticed that it seems high-quality with any kind of content material because of its compact design. The small width content area is a Terrific benefit whilst it’s doubled via excessive overall performance. In our assessments we observed that the subject is acting properly and gets a terrific score on Google page speed test. NewsFresh is also optimized to work with wordpress search engine optimization by using yoast plugin. On google dependent data testing equipment we received a green mild on all parameters, this imply that search engine Optimization is an issue addressed in the maximum serious way by way of tagdiv team.
    NewsFresh is Google Adsense geared up and helps responsive and cellular friendly Ads. The commercials automatically resize for every device, we just added the Adsense code, stored the settings and the topic did the Relaxation.We attempted some of the content Development tools just like the custom made gallery, smartlist, video playlist and textual content layout settings alternatives and the effects were amazing.
    The theme is easy to apply although it has such a lot of alternatives. I might have loved it even more if NewsFresh might provide greater Features for woocommerce together with custom product templates or a live cart, however the subject is certainly built for information web sites and my personal desired capabilities concerning the woocommerce place may be a chunk off topic. I’m certain the author, who’s one of the maximum popular on  Sundarban IT Limited will convey in addition upgrades in this phase in the it’s future updates.
    I think this is a must have news theme for everyone who want to build a great website with no effort and no coding skills.

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    News Smart


    News Smart WordPress Theme is  a smart news magazine theme for WordPress website specially bangla mews portal site. The theme offers you an exquisite thanks to gift your blogs news and magazines posts. it’s Associate in many feature  and Nursing intrinsically sensible advertising system to show the advertisements. you’ll charge purchasers for having their advertisements on your web site.

    Good news can let your guests search through the location victimization the mythical being search. The theme supports video for displaying news within the web site. Moreover, there area unit different choices too for displaying your posts within the web site. The theme incorporates a weather contrivance which will show the temperature and weather contrivance. The advanced admin panel of the theme makes it straightforward to alter the design and feel of the theme.

    The visual musician plugin is compatible with the theme. you’ll manage the content of the web site victimization drag and drop choices. excellent news is translation prepared and compatible with RTL mode. The theme includes Layer Slider and Revolution slider.

    Full Theme Features:

    Homepage: We have a lot of homepages in the main menu of the demo build homepage content by select, drag & drop modules into sections. very flexible easy to use.

    Mega Menu: Displays posts in a category menu item beautifully with the Mega Menu option of each wordpress theme by Sundarban IT Limited

    Sticky Sidebar: Can be setup for every page

    Author : post count, comments count and author widget

    Fully Responsive: The theme displays great on all screen size. Also has an option to hide sidebar when in responsive layout.

    Support:  Sundarban IT Limited Live Support 24 hour by Phone Call & Email


    Search : unique SEO optimized search template

    SEO: Schema with rich snippet micro data for articles and reviews

    SEO Optimized: Rich snippet for post and reviews, also support Google Authorship.

    Multiple Blog Layouts: Choose between 10+ layouts for your news

    Sidebar, Full width responsive Sidebar’ Classic Blog, Large Blog, Square Grid with Sidebar, Square Grid Full width You can also choose layout for each wordpress default templates Category, Tag, Author, Index and Search. Everything

    Integrated Review System: Easy to add review to a post with summary can include Pros and Cons list etc.

    Google Web Fonts: Support Google Web Fonts.

    Custom Color: Choose any color scheme you want for your site.

    Powerful Theme Options: Powerful yet easy to use Theme Options.

    Translation : The theme comes with .Bangla and .English file so you can translate it into any language you want. you should setup other fornt easily.

    Post Format: Support wordpress default formats standard, video, gallery, image.

    Optional Video Thumbnail: Use video i frame or standard featured image for video post.

    Customizable Header: You can set background for site header. Also has an option to fixed header menu.

    Customizable Sidebar: Unlimited sidebar with the integrated Custom Sidebar Generator. You can choose a specific sidebar for each wordpress.

    Default templates: Category, Tag, Author, Index, Single and Search. You can also choose between 6 locations for sidebar left or right.

    Customizable Category: You can choose a specific layout for each category page

    Category: breadcrumbs, subcategories and category description.

    Logo And Favicon Upload: You can upload your own Logo and Favicon for your site.

    Boxed And Wide Layout: Choose your desired layout with just one click.

    Review System: Very flexible with 4 positions for review box. You can also enable user rating with one click

    Cross-browser Compatible: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9+.

    YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo: just paste a YouTube URL and the site will automatically added the video largest image available from the clip and it will set it as a featured image. Very easy to add videos to articles.

    Responsive Ads: Place your Ads banner in almost anywhere with Ads modules and Widget Ads header, between modules, sidebar, and footer.

    built-in related posts:

    Built-in social sharing that supports counter for each Social element and total share counter.

    Compatible with Contact Free Form WordPress plugging.

    We have well documented with a lot of images and tutorial videos

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    Update Newspaper WordPress theme is the best latest News paper WordPress theme in the current worldwide news portal design theme also themes bazar all previous news theme. its possible to write articles and blog posts with easy. We offer this theme for large news portal website. this is a great support and friendly design from Sundarban IT Limited!

    This best website theme for current daily update news. update newspaper WordPress and newspaper template available for only WordPress website and all WordPress previous version. This a best beautiful design theme in Sundarban IT Limited It is perfect for blogging and excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It supports videos from YouTube. daily motion, vimeo  and mobile ready responsive theme. compliant newspaper WordPress theme for worldwide news, the theme is fast, simple, and easy to use for a news WordPress user. Its style, fashion, food, lifestyle, modern, personal, travel, luxury, viral, minimal, minimalist projects and more local category.

    Integrated with this theme Instagram, Facebook Like box, twitter , it uses the best clean SEO practices. Newspaper supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense or local ads arise.

    Support after you buying this theme

    We want to make sure you are happy with your purchase, if you have a question about how to do something or think you have found a contract support from Sundarban IT Limited , head over to our Support Center and we’ll get back in touch.

    Theme Features

    Fully responsive : News Paper theme is compatible with all modern devices with a fluid desktop, tablet and mobile view. This way you can offer the best possible web experience to your website visitors.

    Theme customizes : The theme customization is take a lot easier for user to change the background color, logo or the most theme-related elements of WordPress in a live   and see how those changes look before publishing them.

    • Custom menus on the Main menu, and the footer.
    • All colors are changeable: Font, Meta, Border colors
    • Turnable blocks: Share buttons, Related articles
    • Custom copyright text on the end of the page
    • Custom background, and favicon: background color or background image.
    • Custom logo, or logo title. If you have a logo image, than you can easily setup, if you havn’t than you can type a custom text logo.

    Many ways to show your content : The theme has a featured posts option, so you can display posts in two sizes (posts with ‘large’ tag will be displays larger image, and title), with image or without in home and the archives to right-awaken the interest of the readers.

    Great social engagement : Makes your content go viral: NewsPaper has built in share buttons every posts and pages. The visitors can share into these sites: Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn

    Earn money with ads : The theme has two responsive ad space. One big leaderboard ad under the menu, and one in the bottom of posts.

    Footer Sidebar : Let your site more custom, more freedom, with footer sidebar. Perfect for any kind of widgets, ads, or recommendations.

    Additional content formatting features : To make your content more beautiful we added additional content formatting features: drop caps, lead-in. And make more beautiful the default ones: block, headings, lists and the rest of it.

    Ready for translation : The theme is ready to be translated in other languages than English from Bangla. It include .POT file, from which can be easily created .pogram files in the languages you need.

    Template list:

    • Homepage – We have a lot of homepages in the main menu of the demo
    • Search – unique SEO optimized search template
    • Blog index
    • Author – post count, comments count and author widget
    • Category – breadcrumbs, subcategories and category description.
    • Tag – easy tagcloud navigation via widget
    • 404 template – with latest posts
    • Archives page
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    Latest News

    Latest News is an Advanced and brilliant Top class WordPress News Paper Theme For Bangla News Site. are you looking WordPress subject matter that permits you to easily write and put up Articles and Daily News posts. This template is one of the most famous Daily News Topics on Bangla News subject matters . It’s has strong points are Flexibility, overall performance, Fashionable Design, Retina ready Layouts, Precise Demos, Incorporated Translations, wise Ads System, and these kind of include no need for Coding skills. I trust this subject matter is incredible for a information, Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, Daily BD News publishing or Assessment WebSites.
    The Latest News   WordPress  theme has a unique layout and whilst Trying out IT You noticed that it seems high-quality with any kind of content material because of its compact design. The small width content area is a Terrific benefit whilst it’s doubled via excessive overall performance. In our assessments we observed that the subject is acting properly and gets a terrific score on Google page speed test.  Latest News is also optimized to work with wordpress search engine optimization by using yoast plugin. On google dependent data testing equipment we received a green mild on all parameters, this imply that search engine Optimization is an issue addressed in the maximum serious way by way of tagdiv team.
    Latest News is Google Adsense geared up and helps responsive and cellular friendly Ads. The commercials automatically resize for every device, we just added the Adsense code, stored the settings and the topic did the Relaxation.We attempted some of the content Development tools just like the custom made gallery, smartlist, video playlist and textual content layout settings alternatives and the effects were amazing.
    The theme is easy to apply although it has such a lot of alternatives. I might have loved it even more if Latest News might provide greater Features for woocommerce together with custom product templates or a live cart, however the subject is certainly built for information web sites and my personal desired capabilities concerning the woocommerce place may be a chunk off topic. I’m certain the author, who’s one of the maximum popular on Sundarban IT Limited , will convey in addition upgrades in this phase in the it’s future updates.I think this is a must have news theme for everyone who want to build a great website with no effort and no coding skills.
    A fully responsive Bangla news WordPress theme featuring a drag-and-drop homepage, eight custom widgets, dynamic social tools and much more! Resportsive gives you the look and feel of a major current news outlet all in one easy-to-use and highly customizable theme

    Complete List of Features

    • Compatible with WordPress all Version
    • SEO Optimized
    • HTML5 & CSS3
    • Easy implementation with Google Adsense ads
    • Featured Image support
    • WordPress menu support
    • No need for any additional plugins
    • 20+ shortcodes
    • Full-Page Width Template
    • Custom Theme Options panel
    • Built in Google Analytics support
    • Custom featured slider options
    • News ticker
    • Optional banner ad below the navigation
    • Four navigation areas: Two in the header and two in the footer
    • Homepage carousel widget that holds as many articles as you’d like
    • Easy logo customization
    • Dynamic social sharing buttons that move as you scroll down the page
    • Threaded comments
    • Sidebar tabber with recent posts, popular posts and recent comments tabs
    • Display as many widgets as you’d like in either the homepage or sidebar widget areas
    • Custom copyright/footer text
    • Custom favicon
    • In-depth documentation
    • And much more!
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    News Bangla


    Update Newspaper WordPress theme is the best latest News paper WordPress theme in the current worldwide news portal design theme also themes bazar all previous news theme. its possible to write articles and blog posts with easy. We offer this theme for large news portal website. this is a great support and friendly design from Sundarban IT Limited!

    This best website theme for current daily update news. update newspaper WordPress and newspaper template available for only WordPress website and all WordPress previous version. This a best beautiful design theme in Sundarban IT Limited It is perfect for blogging and excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It supports videos from YouTube. daily motion, vimeo  and mobile ready responsive theme. compliant newspaper WordPress theme for worldwide news, the theme is fast, simple, and easy to use for a news WordPress user. Its style, fashion, food, lifestyle, modern, personal, travel, luxury, viral, minimal, minimalist projects and more local category.

    Integrated with this theme Instagram, Facebook Like box, twitter , it uses the best clean SEO practices. Newspaper supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense or local ads arise.

    Support after you buying this theme

    We want to make sure you are happy with your purchase, if you have a question about how to do something or think you have found a contract support from Sundarban IT Limited , head over to our Support Center and we’ll get back in touch.

    Theme Features

    Fully responsive : News Paper theme is compatible with all modern devices with a fluid desktop, tablet and mobile view. This way you can offer the best possible web experience to your website visitors.

    Theme customizes : The theme customization is take a lot easier for user to change the background color, logo or the most theme-related elements of WordPress in a live   and see how those changes look before publishing them.

    • Custom menus on the Main menu, and the footer.
    • All colors are changeable: Font, Meta, Border colors
    • Turnable blocks: Share buttons, Related articles
    • Custom copyright text on the end of the page
    • Custom background, and favicon: background color or background image.
    • Custom logo, or logo title. If you have a logo image, than you can easily setup, if you havn’t than you can type a custom text logo.

    Many ways to show your content : The theme has a featured posts option, so you can display posts in two sizes (posts with ‘large’ tag will be displays larger image, and title), with image or without in home and the archives to right-awaken the interest of the readers.

    Great social engagement : Makes your content go viral: NewsPaper has built in share buttons every posts and pages. The visitors can share into these sites: Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn

    Earn money with ads : The theme has two responsive ad space. One big leaderboard ad under the menu, and one in the bottom of posts.

    Footer Sidebar : Let your site more custom, more freedom, with footer sidebar. Perfect for any kind of widgets, ads, or recommendations.

    Additional content formatting features : To make your content more beautiful we added additional content formatting features: drop caps, lead-in. And make more beautiful the default ones: block, headings, lists and the rest of it.

    Ready for translation : The theme is ready to be translated in other languages than English from Bangla. It include .POT file, from which can be easily created .pogram files in the languages you need.

    Template list:

    • Homepage – We have a lot of homepages in the main menu of the demo
    • Search – unique SEO optimized search template
    • Blog index
    • Author – post count, comments count and author widget
    • Category – breadcrumbs, subcategories and category description.
    • Tag – easy tagcloud navigation via widget
    • 404 template – with latest posts
    • Archives page
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    Update Newspaper Themes


    Update Newspaper WordPress theme is the best latest News paper WordPress theme in the current worldwide news portal design theme also themes bazar all previous news theme. its possible to write articles and blog posts with easy. We offer this theme for large news portal website. this is a great support and friendly design from themes bazar !

    This best website theme for current daily update news. update newspaper WordPress and newspaper template available for only WordPress website and all WordPress previous version. This a best beautiful design theme in themes bazar It is perfect for blogging and excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It supports videos from YouTube. daily motion, vimeo  and mobile ready responsive theme. compliant newspaper WordPress theme for worldwide news, the theme is fast, simple, and easy to use for a news WordPress user. Its style, fashion, food, lifestyle, modern, personal, travel, luxury, viral, minimal, minimalist projects and more local category.

    Integrated with this theme Instagram, Facebook Like box, twitter , it uses the best clean SEO practices. Newspaper supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense or local ads arise.

    Support after you buying this theme

    We want to make sure you are happy with your purchase, if you have a question about how to do something or think you have found a contract support from themes bazar , head over to our Support Center and we’ll get back in touch.

    Theme Features

    Fully responsive : News Paper theme is compatible with all modern devices with a fluid desktop, tablet and mobile view. This way you can offer the best possible web experience to your website visitors.

    Theme customizes : The theme customization is take a lot easier for user to change the background color, logo or the most theme-related elements of WordPress in a live and see how those changes look before publishing them.

    • Custom menus on the Main menu, and the footer.
    • All colors are changeable: Font, Meta, Border colors
    • Turnable blocks: Share buttons, Related articles
    • Custom copyright text on the end of the page
    • Custom background, and favicon: background color or background image.
    • Custom logo, or logo title. If you have a logo image, than you can easily setup, if you havn’t than you can type a custom text logo.

    Many ways to show your content : The theme has a featured posts option, so you can display posts in two sizes (posts with ‘large’ tag will be displays larger image, and title), with image or without in home and the archives to right-awaken the interest of the readers.

    Great social engagement : Makes your content go viral: NewsPaper has built in share buttons every posts and pages. The visitors can share into these sites: Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn

    Earn money with ads : The theme has two responsive ad space. One big leaderboard ad under the menu, and one in the bottom of posts.

    Footer Sidebar : Let your site more custom, more freedom, with footer sidebar. Perfect for any kind of widgets, ads, or recommendations.

    Additional content formatting features : To make your content more beautiful we added additional content formatting features: drop caps, lead-in. And make more beautiful the default ones: block, headings, lists and the rest of it.

    Ready for translation : The theme is ready to be translated in other languages than English from Bangla. It include .POT file, from which can be easily created .pogram files in the languages you need.

    Template list:

    • Homepage – We have a lot of homepages in the main menu of the demo
    • Search – unique SEO optimized search template
    • Blog index
    • Author – post count, comments count and author widget
    • Category – breadcrumbs, subcategories and category description.
    • Tag – easy tagcloud navigation via widget
    • 404 template – with latest posts
    • Archives page
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    Update News


    Update Newspaper WordPress theme is the best latest News paper WordPress theme in the current worldwide news portal design theme also themes bazar all previous news theme. its possible to write articles and blog posts with easy. We offer this theme for large news portal website. this is a great support and friendly design from Sundarban IT Limited!

    This best website theme for current daily update news. update newspaper WordPress and newspaper template available for only WordPress website and all WordPress previous version. This a best beautiful design theme in Sundarban IT Limited It is perfect for blogging and excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It supports videos from YouTube. daily motion, vimeo  and mobile ready responsive theme. compliant newspaper WordPress theme for worldwide news, the theme is fast, simple, and easy to use for a news WordPress user. Its style, fashion, food, lifestyle, modern, personal, travel, luxury, viral, minimal, minimalist projects and more local category.

    Integrated with this theme Instagram, Facebook Like box, twitter , it uses the best clean SEO practices. Newspaper supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense or local ads arise.

    Support after you buying this theme

    We want to make sure you are happy with your purchase, if you have a question about how to do something or think you have found a contract support from Sundarban IT Limited , head over to our Support Center and we’ll get back in touch.

    Theme Features

    Fully responsive : News Paper theme is compatible with all modern devices with a fluid desktop, tablet and mobile view. This way you can offer the best possible web experience to your website visitors.

    Theme customizes : The theme customization is take a lot easier for user to change the background color, logo or the most theme-related elements of WordPress in a live   and see how those changes look before publishing them.

    • Custom menus on the Main menu, and the footer.
    • All colors are changeable: Font, Meta, Border colors
    • Turnable blocks: Share buttons, Related articles
    • Custom copyright text on the end of the page
    • Custom background, and favicon: background color or background image.
    • Custom logo, or logo title. If you have a logo image, than you can easily setup, if you havn’t than you can type a custom text logo.

    Many ways to show your content : The theme has a featured posts option, so you can display posts in two sizes (posts with ‘large’ tag will be displays larger image, and title), with image or without in home and the archives to right-awaken the interest of the readers.

    Great social engagement : Makes your content go viral: NewsPaper has built in share buttons every posts and pages. The visitors can share into these sites: Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn

    Earn money with ads : The theme has two responsive ad space. One big leaderboard ad under the menu, and one in the bottom of posts.

    Footer Sidebar : Let your site more custom, more freedom, with footer sidebar. Perfect for any kind of widgets, ads, or recommendations.

    Additional content formatting features : To make your content more beautiful we added additional content formatting features: drop caps, lead-in. And make more beautiful the default ones: block, headings, lists and the rest of it.

    Ready for translation : The theme is ready to be translated in other languages than English from Bangla. It include .POT file, from which can be easily created .pogram files in the languages you need.

    Template list:

    • Homepage – We have a lot of homepages in the main menu of the demo
    • Search – unique SEO optimized search template
    • Blog index
    • Author – post count, comments count and author widget
    • Category – breadcrumbs, subcategories and category description.
    • Tag – easy tagcloud navigation via widget
    • 404 template – with latest posts
    • Archives page
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    UK NGO Theme


    NGO Premium WordPress Theme. This theme can be used to create sites of NGOs, companies, corporate and various organizations including organizations.

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    Fresh Script


    Fresh Script PHP Codeigniter Framework

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    Script Surma


    Script Surma PHP Codeigniter Framework

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    News Script


    NewsScript Php Script

    Last update:
    22 February 19
    22 February 19
    Software Version :
    PHP Codeigniter
    File Included :
    PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
    Documentation :
    Well Documented
    Tag :
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    SOFT#2001: Inventory and Shop



    A robust and full-fledged inventory and shop management system to ease your work. The system’s functionality is so much user-friendly and easy to use that you will fall in love with it.


    Stunning Dashboard
    A stunning looking and robust dashboard to give a proper insight of your business’s current status.

    Manage Sales and Purchase
    Add/Edit/Delete sales and purchase as per the GST compliance. CGST and IGST included along with GST calculation.

    Manage Discount and Taxes
    Manage (Create, Read, Edit, Delete) discounts and Taxes from the system panel with ease.

    User Group
    Manage (Create, Read, Edit, Delete) variety of user groups like Admin, Manager, Seller, Purchaser, Accountants and more.

    In-Depth Report
    Find in-depth and detailed reports of Sales, Products, Purchase and etc. to get proper insight about the business and take necessary steps with ease.

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    DomainHost WordPress theme is a professional web hosting company WordPress theme that’s easy to customize just 1-Click.

    DomainHost WordPress  Theme a Responsive wordpress theme for Desktop, Tablet, Mobile Phone devices & WHMCS Hosting Theme. With the design has been created by Elite Authors, Awesome Slideshows, Color Variations. Easy-to-customize and fully featured design. This theme suitable for Web Hosting, Hosting,  Portfolio. Create Outstanding Website in Minutes!.

    Designed by Themes Bazar for creating professional looking websites that your potential clients will trust with their payment details and web hosting needs, DomainHost wordpress theme is well worth checking out. If you do take a look at the DomainHost theme demo, you’ll quickly see that the design of this theme has all the features a high-converting web hosting website needs. As well as the domain name search bar that lets your visitors check to see which domains are available and with what extensions, there’s also a feature grid and comparison table. The content of the table can be easily customized and is ideal for allowing your visitors to quickly check out your main packages.

    The rest of the default homepage design is packed with other useful features. However, as customizing this theme is very straightforward, these homepage features are all optional and you’re free to add your own custom content to the homepage layout. In fact, this theme no require as the premium Visual Composer page builder plugin is included in the DomainHost package you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to adding new elements to your pages. You can also use the drag-and-drop interface of this tool to redesign any of the other templates in the DomainHost package, as well as create your own custom designs from scratch.

    When it comes to web hosting-specific features, DomainHost isn’t short on options. The WHMCS support ensures your website has all the essential features a good web hosting site needs, including the ability for your customers to manage their accounts through your site. There are also lots of great looking templates for publishing your online documentation – an essential element of any good web hosting website.

    If you want to quickly launch a professional web hosting website with WordPress, the DomainHost theme should provide you with everything that’s needed.

    Domain Host WP Theme Features

    • Responsive Design
    • Search Whois
    • Domain Check Own Site
    • Domain Check With Resell biz Account
    • Domain Check With Whmcs
    • Very easy to customizable.
    • Include theme options.
    • Location Maps included.
    • Support anytime WordPress Version
    • Dynamic Slider
    • Font-Awesome
    • Custom Backgrounds
    • Unlimited Colors
    • Dedicated Support
    • Custom Elements
    • Image Hovers
    • Carousel Sliders
    • lists Styles
    • Message Boxes
    • Pricing Tables
    • Typography
    • Data Tables
    • Social Icons
    • Team member
    • Latest Posts
    • Widgets
    • Standard/About Page
    • Support
    • Services
    • Team
    • 404 Error Page
    • Single Image
    • Blog Standard
    • Blog Single Post
    • Contact
    • Domain Order By Form
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    SOFT#2007: Restaurant Management



    A full-fledged food ordering system for restaurants, that comes with a responsive design and user-friendly interface that is compatible with desktops, laptops, mobile phones and tablets.

    Restaurant Management V1 comes with features like the custom CMS, Order Management, Menu Management, Customer Management, SMS Alerts, SEO Optimization, Referral System and etc.



    Powerful Admin Panel
    A powerful admin panel from where you can CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) menus, items, addons, options, offers and etc. So that users can view all food items and book an order.

    Seamless Order Booking
    Users can book an order by choosing items menu wise, select/add delivery location, utilize loyalty points and pay online/offline.

    Referral System and Loyalty Points
    Admin provides points, registering through referral, both referred and referral users get points. Users can use these points while booking an order. As well as Admin can provide points when users book orders for first order, and/or all orders etc.

    A detailed and convenient reports on sales, items, customers and etc. let’s you have the ease of taking decision on the go.

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    SOFT#2017: Advocate Management with SMS



    Advocate Management System is a web-based application for advocates and law firm to maintain their office. This software is very easy to operate and light on system tool to maintain information about Clients, Cases, Hearings etc.



    Eye Catchy and Featureful Dashboard
    Dashboard of the system will show the summary of system and some more important information related to current day. It shows the count of important information like (Clients, Cases, Starred Cases, Archived Cases, Employees, Tasks, Case Study, My Tasks) and linked them to their pages. also showing the Latest Notices, Today’s To-do Lists, Today’s Cases, Absent Employees List, Calendar of Appointments & Cases dates.

    HR Management
    Manage your Clients, Employees, User Roles, Departments, Holidays, Notices, Attendance, and more to your luxury. A brief in-built module lets you have all the ease of work you need while managing your human resources and clients.

    Cases and Task Management
    Manage your Cases, Tasks, Case Documents and more with ease. A brief in-built module is designed specifically to automize these for your convenience.

    In-Depth Report
    Find in-depth and detailed reports of your Cases, Clients and etc. to get proper insight about the business and take necessary steps with ease.

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    SOFT#2010: Pharmacy Care



    Pharmacy Care is a web-based Pharmacy Management Application with a responsive user interface that grants pharmacy, clinic and hospital owners and workers universal access to the information and real-time updates on the current status of the pharmacy with a point of sale, income history, invoicing, purchase history, stock management, and financial statements. It is a multi-level user based pharmacy management system with a default administrator, dispenser and cashier accounts.



    Intuitive and Robust Dashboard

    Pharmacy Care features a clean and intuitive dashboard with all the necessary information and tools you will need. Its featureful dashboard reporting will keep you amazed.

    State of the Art Medicine Inventory Management
    Pharmacy Management’s top of the line medicine management system ensures optimum usability and ease of mind.

    Easy POS and Invoicing
    Pharmacy Care feature’s easy POS integration and top of the line Invoicing system.

    Multi-user and Multi-Currency Support
    Pharmacy Management supports multi-user role and multi-currency support to enhance efficiency and effectivity.

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    SOFT#2002: Accounts with Invoice



    Transform how you do your business.

    With Invoice PHP you have the best proven tools for your business. Get the insights, make decisions faster with more confidence and do your best work with Invoice PHP.



    Real Time business Intelligence
    No matter what kind of business you are in, Invoice PHP is your true companion. Even if you are one-man army, you handle everything for your business, now you can do better. Invoice PHP has innovative features in order to maintain accurate account balances to ensure accountability and to established historical business activity data thus provides information to decision-makers for determining business strategies.

    Manage Your Customer
    Customers are the most important people for any organization. It is the customer who creates demand for goods and services. Invoice PHP allows you to maintain a focus on your customer in a faster and simpler way.

    Invoice PHP is one of the best invoicing software available in the market. It’s ready for both online and off-line invoicing method. Create it, send it or print it. Every invoice generated unique secure general invoice URL so that your customer does not need to login to view your invoice. As well as integrating a payment gateway will enable you to get paid online.

    Send Quote/Proposal
    Using Invoice PHP, you can create beautiful quote or proposal. Customer can accept it from the client portal or using unique URL. Later you can convert it to invoice.

    Manage Orders
    Manage orders for your services and/or products. Send order activation welcome email from your admin portal.

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    SOFT#2013: Recharge Point


    Recharge Point (TOPUP.DAILYTV.ORG)


    Recharge Point is a fully automated mobile recharge platform. This software’s state of the art intuitive design and features lets you have the ultimate freedom in operating your mobile recharge business. Recharge Point support all the operators in Bangladesh as well as all the major Mobile Banking Solutions to provide an extra edge in your business.


    Mobile recharge

    Recharge Point works with all the telecom operators in Bangladesh. Mobile Banking Be an efficient mobile banking agent using Recharge Point. Our software is compatible with all the mobile banking service in Bangladesh.

    Easy and Intuitive UI

    Recharge Point features an eye-catchy intuitive and easy user interface that enables you to use the system without any worries.

    Advanced Reporting

    Recharge Point features advance reporting system that shows you all the required report to get insight for your business.

    Recharge Backend Features 
    1.    Dashboard
    2.    BD Recharge 
    a.     Send Recharge
    b.     Send Bkash
    c.     Send Rocket (DBBL)
    d.     Send MobiCash
    e.     Send Mcash
    f.     Send Bank Transfer
    g.     Send Load From Group
    h.     Send Ucash
    i.     Send MyCash
    j.     Send SureCash
    k.     Send MMBL
    l.     Send EasyCash
    m.     Request Refund
    n.     Accept Request
    3.    Reports 
    a.     Sales Report
    b.     Recharge History
    c.     Fund Transfer Report
    4.    Settings 
    a.     Manage Clients
    b.     Customer Tree
    c.     Company Settings
    d.     Setup Operators
    e.     Manage Ports
    f.     Flexi Amount
    g.     Group
    h.     Add Rules
    i.     Add Offers
    j.     Welcome Message
    k.     Log
    5.    Complain
    6.    Login/Logout

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    SOFT#2006: Restaurant Management Pro



    A full-fledged food ordering system for restaurants, that comes with a responsive design and user-friendly interface that is compatible with multiple restaurant and membership system.

    Restaurant Management V2 comes with features like the custom CMS, Order Management, Merchant Management, Menu Management, Customer Management, SMS Alerts, SEO Optimization, Referral System and etc.




    Merchant Administration Features
    1. Easy to manage food items & addon category
    2. Manage address, tax, delivery charges, Receipt Messages and etc.
    3. Email and SMS notifications for orders.
    4. Payment Gateway integration to accept online payment
    5. Detailed and robust sales report.

    Admin Features
    1. Easy management tools for merchant and members
    2. CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Package discounts
    3. Robust and detailed reports over merchants, sales and etc.

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    SOFT#2003: Shop with POS


    A fully optimized retail solution that offers Point of Sale, Inventory, Customer Management and Analytics. Cloud based solution to make it accessible from anywhere in real-time.



    Inventory Management
    A strong inventory management system to make you feel comfortable. The system can also generate and print Barcodes to ease out the automation process.

    Customers and Supplier Management
    Be a strong manager to maintain your business relationship with the system’s state of the art Customer and Supplier management module.

    Point of Sale
    A detailed and well-engineered PoS module to automate your sales while keeping all the necessary data you need.

    Multiple User Role & Permission
    Create and manage multiple users and assign them with selected user permission parameters.

    Robust Reporting System
    This system includes a robust and in-depth reporting system to give you the best insights about your business. From sales to orders and inventory to customers every sort of report that you will need is there to help you out.

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    SOFT#2004: POS System



    IPL POS is a web-based application that allows you to manage your sales and stock. This application also features an easy and intuitive POS solution for faster billing. IPL POS manages the customers’ information, suppliers information, sales and purchase information, expense information, units, categories, items, tax information and much more. It’s robust and insightful reporting system generates meaningful reports for you to get a proper insight about your business.



    Intuitive Dashboard
    IPL POS features a clean and intuitive dashboard with all the necessary information and tools you will need.

    Stunning Sales Reporting
    Track all of your sales with monthly, yearly, invoices, estimates, payments and proposals reports.
    Hassle Free Invoicing System
    A full hassle-free invoicing system including recurring invoices and payment with payment gateway integration capability makes your job easier.
    Publish announcements and/or notices to your employees and clients from this system.

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